Friday, May 22, 2009


Athens' top sights, the Acropolis/Ancient Agora and the National Archaeological Museum, deserve a half-day each. Two days total is plenty of time for the casual tourist to see the city's main attractions.

Day 1: In the morning, follow my "Welcome to Athens" introductory walk. Spend midday in the markets (shopping in the Plaka, browsing in the Central Market, and wandering through the flea market — best on Sunday). Grab a souvlaki lunch near Monastiraki. After lunch, do the ancient biggies — tour the Ancient Agora, then the Acropolis (confirming carefully how late the Acropolis is open). Be the last person off the Acropolis. Stroll down the Dionysiou Areopagitou into the Plaka for your evening meal and music.

Day 2: Spend the morning visiting museums or exploring the Plaka. After lunch, head to the National Archaeological Museum. Consider a bus tour to see the sunset at Cape Sounion's Temple of Poseidon .

Acropolis and Acropolis Museum One of the most famous monuments of the ancient world Hours: April-Oct site daily 8:00-19:30; Nov-March daily 8:00-17:30.

Ancient Agora The commercial, political and social heart of the city in ancient times. Hours Daily April-Sept 8:00-19:30 daily, Oct-March 8:00-17:30.

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